God has given each of us opportunities to serve him in unique ways. But we only have a limited time to do them. Many opportunities come in life to serve, but we can miss them if we are not careful. Jesus was about to heal a man born blind and said this,

“While it is daytime, we must continue doing the work of the One who sent me. The night is coming when no one can work.” John 9:4

In ancient times little to no work was done at night.

Most people worked outdoors and depended on sunlight. When the sun went down, you had to stop working. Jesus is sharing the urgency of the work that God gives us. If you are a Christian, God has prepared work in advance for you to do. You shouldn’t put it off, but start doing it while you still can.

Many people are waiting until it is convenient to serve God or until they are “ready.” But if you wait for perfect contentions to serve, then you will wind up wasting your life and missing out on the blessings of being used by God.

There is going to be a day when your time has run out.

When you die, you can no longer serve God on this earth, but there are certain seasons and opportunities in life that you will miss if you don’t seize.



SINGLES: sometimes want to wait until they get married and have kids to settle down and serve at Church. But the reality is that as a single, you have more time to serve than those who have families at home. Married people and parents can get so consumed in the busyness of life that they are unwilling to sacrifice to see God’s kingdom advanced.



I am not advocating that we run ragged and say yes to every serving opportunity, but I want us to see that there is an urgency to our mission.

There is only a little time God has put us on this earth to make a difference.

While we still have time, let’s serve with all of our hearts and do everything that God is leading us to do!